Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Many celebrity having Rhinoplasty plastic surgery

Nose surgery also known as Rhinoplasty plastic surgery is most common done by celebrity to improve its looks and add to softness and beauty of the face and besides its also helps to improved nasal breathing. Rhinoplasty is a greek name called Rhino and its takes a very skill hands and a most challenging to makes it the nose looks natural and beautiful.

They are many celebrity having Rhinoplasty plastic surgery, some was beauty done but some was aweful. Yes Mariilyn Monroe had her nose done in 1946 when she sign with Twentieth Century-Fox Studios to make her looks more feminine and beauty. She has a beautiful nose plastic surgery and became more famous after the surgery. Aslee simpson had a nose surgery when she was twenty one but experience pain and was seen in Beverly Hills hospital having her nose checked .

Tom Cruise having his nose surgery and its takes him a very long time to recovery from his nose surgery. His appearence looks younger then before, he had his nose tips lift up. Micheal Jackson had a very aweful nose plastic surgery like his falling down.

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